在CN刊物上已发表教科研论文近二十篇并多次获奖。合作著书有:全国义务教育新课程数学教材《新时代数学》(上海科技出版社)、《高中毕业班综合练习册(数学)》(安徽教育出版社)、《高中数学新课程毕业班复习指导》(上海科学技术出版社)等。论文“组合几何中一类问题的研究和猜想”在第二届全国初等数学学术研究交流会上被评为优秀论文一等奖,所提出的问题和猜想被全国初等数学专家杨之收入《初等数学研究的问题与课题》一书,命名为“whc75”号问题,该文获省教育优秀科研成果、优秀科研论文二等奖;论文“关于Heilbronn数一类三角形计数问题” 参加了全国几何不等式会议,其成果被我国数学家单 土尊博士收入《几何不等式在中国》一书。
Maoming Su‘s Background
Maoming was born in Xuanzhou City, Anhui Province in 1959. He graduated from Anhui Teachers’ University in 1982 with a bachelor’s degree in mathematics. He taught middle school and high school math at Xuancheng High School between 1982 to 2005. He has been teaching high school math at Li Huili High School of NingBo city, Zhejiang province since 2005. He’s done extensive research in mathematics teaching, and published many articles and theses in recent years. Maoming is a member of Middle School Mathematics Textbook Compilation Subcommittee. In 2001, he was evaluated and honored as a Special-status math teacher, the highest honor given to a middle school teacher by Anhui Province. In 2003 he received a second prize reward in the Sixth National Su Buqing Mathematics Education Award, an award established in memory of a famous Chinese mathematician, Su Buqing, and given to the most accomplished mathematics teachers throughout China.