

2017-05-08 16:38:25     标签:小升初英语题



听 力 部 分

一、Listen and choose.


( )1. A. big B. dig ( ) 2. A. right B. light

( )3. A. make B. take ( ) 4. A. cheap B chip

( )5. A. walk B. work ( ) 6. A sweep B. sleep

( )7. A. help B. hope ( ) 8. A. wrote B. rode

( )9. A. seat B. sit ( ) 10. A. glass B. grass


( ) 1. A. 30 B. 14 C. 50

( ) 2. A. ship B. sheep C. sleep

( ) 3. A. flower B. flour C. floor

( ) 4. A. meet B. meat C. met

( ) 5. A. work B. walk C. worker

( ) 6. A. time B. tired C. tie

( ) 7. A. match B. math C. watch

( ) 8. A. high B. hi C. height

( ) 9. A. tall B. told C. tell

( ) 10. A. son B. sun C. some

二、Listen and choose听对话,回答问题。答案填在括号内。每小题读两遍。(每小题1分,共10分)

1. What did Chen Jie do last weekend? ( ) 2. What’s the matter with the girl? ( )

3. What’s the girl’s favourite fruit? ( ) 4. What can Mike do at home?

5. What’s his father’s hobby?

( ) 6. How does Lily usually go to school? ( )

7. Where does the rain come from? ( ) 8. What are the elephants doing? ( )

9. What does the man do? ( ) 10. What is Mike going to do?

( )

三、Listen and choose( 听问题,选择最合适的应答句,答案填在括号内,每小题1分,共10分)

( ) 1. A. Jan. 1st . B. Monday.

( ) 2. A. They are fighting. B. It’s fighting.

( ) 3. A. Yes, she does. B. No, he doesn’t.

( ) 4. A. Yes, it is. B. No, so you should take a bus.

( ) 5. A. She is dancing. B. She likes dancing.

( ) 6. A. Very well. B. Eleven.

( ) 7. A. I’m sad. B. I feel sick.

( ) 8. A. Yes, he ate mutton. B. No, he ate mutton.

( ) 9. A. Yes, she is. B. No, she likes sports.

( ) 10. A. Take a trip. B. Listening to music.

四、Listen and fill


1.Tom :________ is Tree-planting Day.

Amy: It’s __________12th.

2. Peter: Are you ______ than your brother?

Jenny: No, I am _________.

3. Jack: ____ did you go on your holiday?

Mary : I _______ to Beijing. I love Beijing.

4. Tom: What did you do _______?

Lily: I ____ a boat in the park and I ____ good food.

5. Sam: Look, the tiger is ________.

Jane: Yes. And the monkeys are __________.

6 John: _____ you go to a zoo last weekend?

May: Yes, I ____ many animals.

7. John: My father is an ______. What does your father do?

Jenny: He is a _______. He _______ very well.

五、Listen and judge(共5分)


( )1.Jane is going to the hospital.

( )2.Jane’s friend, Henry was ill.

( )3.Jane meets Susan on her way to the hospital.

( )4.Jane is going to get to the hospital by taxi.

( )5.Jane has a headache.

笔试部分 (满分54分)

六、Read and choose.补全对话, 选择正确答案的编号在横线上(共9分,每小题1.5分)

A. Why did you do that?

B. I went to a post office and sent some money.

C. How long will you stay there?

D. Yes, I did.

E. Can I go with you?

F. How are you going there?

G. What are you going to do next?

Amy: Hi, Chen Jie. What did you do yesterday?

Chen Jie: 1

Amy: Sent money? 2

Chen Jie: Because many children lost their home in Ya’an Earthquake. They need help.

Amy: You are a helpful girl. 3

Chen Jie: I am going to Sichuan and take some food and books to the children this summer holiday.

Amy: Oh, really? 4

Chen Jie: I want to stay there for a week.

Amy: 5

Chen Jie: I want to go by plane. But I am going by train, because it’s cheap.

Amy: 6

Chen Jie: Sure. Let’s go together.


(一) 读下面短文,把正确选项写在括号内。 (每小题1.5分)

Do you know the differences between rabbits and hares(野兔)? Rabbits look like hares. They both have long ears and short tails. And they both eat plants. Hares are bigger than rabbits and have longer ears and legs.

Rabbits are popular pets. They are gentle and friendly animals. When baby rabbits are born, they can’t see anything at first and they have no hair. Eight days later their eyes open and they begin to grow some hair.

Hares can run very fast and jump high. They can run about 50 kilometers an hour. Baby hares open their eyes and they are very active soon after they are born.

( ) 1. Hares and rabbits are __________

A. the same B. different C. brothers

( ) 2. Rabbits are usually__________ than hares

A. smaller B. bigger C. taller

( ) 3. __________ are gentle and friendly animals.

A. Rabbits B. Hares C. Both rabbits and hares

( ) 4. Baby rabbits can’t see anything when __________

A. they are born B. they are active C. they are eating

( ) 5. Baby hares open their eyes______ than baby rabbits.

A. earlier B. later C. wider

(二) 读下面短文,判断正误,正确的在括号内写T,错误的写F. (每小题1.5分)

The May Day holiday is coming. We are going to have three days off. On the first day, I’m going to stay at home and do my homework. My parents are going to give the house a good cleaning. On the second day, we are going to climb the mountain. We are going to stay on the farm for the night. On the third day, we are going

to do horse riding and feed the goats and rabbits. After lunch we are going to come back to my uncle’s. We are going to eat dinner with my grandparents, and then we will go back home.

( ) 1. The May Day holiday is a three-day holiday.

( ) 2. I’m not going to play on the first day of the holiday.

( ) 3. We’re going to take a bus to the farm.

( ) 4. I am going to ride a horse on the farm.

( ) 5. We are going to come back from the farm on the third day.八、交笔友是一件有趣的事情。假设你叫Kelly,收到一封来自John的邮件。邮件缺了10个词,请你用所给的词填空。每空只填一词,每词只用一次。注意大小写的规范哦!(每空1分,共10分)

Dear Kelly,

I am happy to be your pen pal. My ____ is John . I live in Dongguan. Dongguan is a beautiful city. The air is _____. The coulds are white. There _____many beautiful parks in Dongguan, such as Huying Park, Shuilianshan Forest Park. Last weekend, I ____ Huying park with my parents. We _______ a picnic there. There ____ many people in the park. Some people _________ boats in the lake. Some people _________ football on the playground. I like _________ a bike. But I have no bikes. My father is going to ________ a bike for me on my birthday. I am so happy.

How about you? Where do you live? Where did you go last weekends. E-mail me, please.



九、Ask and answer


1. Amy: Hi, Lily. You look sick. __________________________?

Lily: I had a fever last night.

2. Mum: Hello, Jim. ___________________________?

Jim: Yes, mum. I bought a new comic book.

3. Amy: Did you go to Kunming last holiday?

Sarah: Yes, I did.

Amy: ______________________________?

Sarah: Yes, it’s far . It’s 3 hours by plane.

4. Tom: Hi, John. Is that your uncle?

John: Yes, he is.

Tom: ___________________________________?

John: He often reads newspaper every night.

5. Tom: Hello, Jim. You look stronger than before.

Jim: I am 5kg heavier than last year.

Tom: ______________________________________?

Jim: I was 45kg .

十、Look and write(10分)请从下面两道题选择一道作文题来完成。


要求:1. 再次阅读John的邮件,然后回邮。

2. 说说你自己的情况,包括回答John的两个问题。

3. 不少于五句话。我们精心为大家准备的小升初六年级英语毕业的考试题,希望大家合理的利用!更多小升初复习资料及相关资讯,尽在查字典小考网,请大家及时关注!
