

2012-05-10 16:17:40     标签:小升初英语题


Mr Howe was a strong English man.He liked travelling around the 1 by motorbike.He had been to a lot of places.His life was full of 2 and difficulties. But he knew much and saw many strange things.

Once the 3 went to Africa(非洲).He tried to go 4 a large desert(沙漠).It was hot and the sun was 5 brightly in the sky.He looked around and he saw nothing but 6 .Sometimes he could see some dead animals.He was thirsty,but he had to 7 the water,or he would die before he came out of the desert.He hoped to find a 8 and have a rest under it.But he knew it was hardly 9 .He had to reach anoasis(绿洲)before 10 fell.Suddenly he saw a man sitting on the ground.There was a dead man beside him.A dog was 11 by him ,looking at a bag of cakes and a bag of w ater.

“ 12 is he?”asked Mr Howe.

“My friend.”the man answered in tears.

“What 13 to him ?”

“He had neither food nor water,”the man said sadly.“And he 14 of it.”

Pointing to the two bags,Mr Howe asked,“You have so much food and water.Why didn't you 15 some to him?”

“They're for my dog and me,”said the man .“But I never grudge(吝惜)my tears!”

1.A.village B.town C.capital D.world

2.A.joy B.danger C.pleasure D.luck

3.A.traveller B.soldier C.policeman D.gate keeper

4.A.in B.by C.through D.under

5.A.hangin g B.shining C.smilin g D.singing

6.A.sand B.earth C.salt D.sugar

7.A.use B.find C.lose D.save

8.A.hill B.mountain C.tree D.bridge

9.A.possible B.terrible C.strange D.difficult

10.A.day B.night C.rain D.clouds

11.A.runnin g B.sleeping C.crying D.lying

12.A.Whose B.What C.Who D.Which

13.A.failed B.happened C.pointed D.shouted

14.A.landed B.hurried C.died D.thought

15.A.sell B.look for C.choose D.give

参考答案:1—5 DBACB 6—10 ADCAB 11—15 DCBCD
