

2012-05-11 14:56:07     标签:小升初英语题


One day a beggar walked about five miles in the hot sun. He was tired and wanted to __1__ . When he came to a crossing, he saw a tall tree. On the side __2__ the tree he saw a board. It said, "Take This Road To Franklin" "I will rest under the __3__ ." said the beggar. "I can lie on the board and sleep." While the beggar was __4__, a doctor rode up to him. "Wake up, beggar!" said the doctor. "I am lost. Can you tell me __5__ road to Franklin?" "It's too hot to think." said the beggar. "I can't think in such a __6__ day." "Here is a dollar." said the doctor, "Now, will you think?" "Of course, I will, sir!" said the beggar. " __7__ that road to Franklin." After a while, a driver stopped to __8__ the beggar which road to Franklin. "You must give me a dollar." "Turn to the left," the beggar said. The beggar went back to __9__ . Five minutes later a farmer woke him up. "Which is the road to Franklin?" he asked. The beggar got __10__ dollar and the farmer went along the road.

1. A. drive B. eat C. rest D. ride

2. A. with B. of C. by D. for

3. A. tree B. sign C. road D. bed

4. A. to sleep B. slept C. sleep D. sleeping

5. A. right B. which C. short D. only

6. A. warm B. cold C. hot D. wet

7. A. Walk B. Take C. Run D. Bring

8. A. telling B. asking C. ask D. tell

9. A. sleep B. walk C. read D. write

10. A. three B. more C. paid D. another.

