

2015-02-06 18:41:00     标签:小升初升学指导

小学英语作文必背(三)!各种作文题材范文,小升初的学生赶紧背吧!寒假期间学习,希望对大家有所帮助 。

21.On Money

Money is considered by many people as the most important thing in life. With money, they can go wherever they please and do whatever they want. With money, they can buy a fine house, fashionable clothes and so on. In a word, money can make people comfortable and bring them happiness.

However, money is also the source of all crimes and brings them misery. Since money is so tempting, quite a few people are attracted by it and begin to go astray. To get more money, they gamble, steal, rob or do many other evil things, for "money makes the mare go". As a result, money leads them to jail.

Of course money is useful and desirable, yet we should make money in proper way and spend our money on proper things.

22.My First Year at college

I have been in the college for one year. My college life here is pretty .

The teachers in my college are very knowledge. They not only teach me what’s on the textbooks, but also show me how to be a good person. The major courses as well as optional courses enhance my knowledge and broaden my views. Besides, the library of our university provides me with books and resources so that I can read extensively.

Besides getting good education here, I also take part in many after-school activities. For example, I am a player on the university football team, and I also do some volunteer work at weekends.

Sports are my favorite, such as jogging, basketball, swimming, tennis, table tennis, soccer, badminton and so on. They help me relax after class and build a strong body.

I like making friends with all my classmates, my roommates and others. I love learning from my friends.

I enjoy my college life and I am very glad and proud to learn and live on our beautiful campus.

23.Private Cars in China

As time develops, there are many large changing happening in people ‘s lives .Being like other West countries, private cars begin to be very popular in our country Certainly, there must be many things following with it. Maybe it is good for our society, or maybe it is harmful.

Now, I’d like to announce some not mature opinions. In our lives, especially in this century, time becomes more and more important Buses seem to be more bulky than the private cars. We can go anywhere which we like immediately in our own car. But, if you come to wait for a bus, it will take your much time, and it’s more likely to be no seats. In this hand, you must choice the convenient way to buy a private car for yourself.

But do you ever think the harms for the society. I will bring you some examples. When the time develops that time that everyone has their own car, all the roads will be filled up by the cars. And there isn’t place for you to remove. What will be performed in the earth is obvious. This is not in the least. When the car is flooding, the waste gas will be exhausted everywhere, so that the air we are living in will be polluted seriously. Are you agree with my opinions. Now, I’d like to make you some place to think over what I said about the private cars.

24.My Study Plan

A new semester is coming, in order to study English well, I make a study plan. First, try to remember 20 words from dictionary everyday. Second, go over grammar points I have learnt in English class regularly. Third, form a habit of reading an English article in China Daily every day. Fourth, write an English composition every week and ask teacher to revise that for me to improve the writing level. Fifth, listen to English radio as often as possible to improve my listening.

25.My Favorite Food

I like many different kinds of foods, among them, egg is my favorite. Egg contains a lot of essential nutrients needed by the human body. Eggs are oval shaped spheres with a light brown color. Egg is the basic ingredient to many dishes, like omelet and French toast. You can easily get eggs at any supermarket, and they are sold for a very cheap price too. Besides the cheap price, egg contains lots of nutrients and is a very good source of energy. In conclusion, egg is my favorite food.

26. My Teacher/ A teacher to remember

My English teacher is Miss Huang. She is a beautiful lady. There is always a smile on her face.

Miss Huang likes singing. She is good at playing the piano. In the evening, she always sits in front of the piano and plays nice music. She is a good dancer, too. Sometimes she teaches us dancing. Miss Huang likes dogs very much because the dog is very friendly and cute. Her favorite color is blue, because blue is the color of the sky and the sea.

She is my favorite teacher. Our classmates all like her very much.

27. A Day to Remember

It was Sunday. Our teacher Mr. Zhu led us to a park nearby. Usually we go to the park to spend our holiday. But today we went there to take part in voluntary labor.

We got there at nine o’clock. Mr. Zhu divided us into three groups and then we began working. Group One was responsible to plant trees and water flowers. Group Two were busy collecting litter left by the tourists. I was in Group Three. We went to the children’s playground and cleaned all the equipment there. We worked very hard. At about eleven we finished work. We all were tired but very happy. I will never forget the day in my memory.

28.An Unforgettable Experience

Among many exam experiences, I still remember what happened in the final exam last term.

In the past I always felt nervous at the beginning of exams. And because of this, I never gave the best performance.. But in the last final exam, when I got the paper, I was surprised to see some warm words on the paper, "Hi, everyone. Believe in yourself and you will do best. Good luck." Seeing these words, the feeling of nervousness soon disappeared and I became confident. I did best that time.

Ever since then, whenever I have exams, these simple but warm words always encourage me and make me feel confident.

29.About Television

Television has its good as well as bad sides. It makes us informed of daily news, lets us know the outside world, provides lessons for learners, and it has brought joy and interest into people’s lives.

Unfortunately, some television programs have been extremely harmful to the young. Violent movies are shown on TV programs. Children regard the murders as heroes or models, so they imitate. Therefore there happened many murders or shooting cases in American campuses. What a big harm.

So young people should learn to get ride of the bad influences of TV and learn to make use of the advantages that TV brings us.

30.How I Spend My Spare Time

The most important duties of college students are studying. But besides studying, we should also enjoy a good life in our leisure time. There are many ways of spending the spare time. My ways are as follows.

First of all, I spend about half of my leisure time is listening to music. In this way, I can thoroughly relax myself both physically and mentally; thus, I am able to study well in the future. Secondly, I consume part of my spare time by doing some exercises. Basketball is my favorite sports game. Jogging will keep me fit. Finally, reading is necessary. A good book can take me to a mysterious place where I have never been to.

These are the major ways I spend my spare time. Of course, I won't forget "Time is money". After my spare time, I will come to study at once.
