

2011-04-08 15:13:27     标签:小升初真题

section Two Reading and Writing(满分25分)

一、 读下面五个句子,根据方格中的提示,把相应的单词填写在句中的横线上。(每小题一分,满分5分)

1. My mother bought me a beautiful

dress as my b_________ present.

2. Don't d______ so fast, it's too (方格填单词)


3. Bruce is very t________ after a

long walk on such a hot day.

4. I will meet you at the train

s______ tomorrow.

5. Please be q_______ when you are in

the reading-room.

二、 阅读下面的三段材料,选择最佳答案,并将代表该答案的字母填在题前的括号内。(每小题2分,满分5分)

( )1."M"is for the Million things she gave me; "O" means Only that she's growing old; "T" is for the Tears she shed to save me;_____________; "E" is for her Eyes, with love-light shining; "R" means Right, and right she'll always be. Put them all together, they spell "MOTHER". A word that means the world to me.-Howard Johnson.(c.1915)

A. "L" is for Love she sends me for ever

B. "H" is for her Heart of purest gold

C. "H" is for my Hard-working at school

( )2. A man goes to the doctor and says, "I can't see things clearly that are far

away." "Follow me," says the doctor and takes the man outside. He points

at the sun and asks, "What's that?" "The sun," the man answers. The doctor

says angrily,"_______________"

A. The sun is the biggest star near us!

B. I can see it, too !

C. How far do you want to see then?

( )3.The Italians love to drink coffee. One of their favorite pastimes is to sit

outside a café, looking cool and watching the beautiful people walk by.______________ .A most famous one is the cappuccino, made with hot milk and

chocolate on top.

A. They also like reading newspaper outside a café

B. They have invented many different types of coffee

C. There are so many beautiful film stars there

三、 情景对话。根据对话内容从下列选项中选择合适的句子补全对话,并将代表该句子的字母填在对话中的横线上。(每小题1分,满分4分)

W: Welcome to Star Hotel. Can I help you?


W: Would you like a single room, a double

Room or a room for three?

M: A single room, please.___________

W: Sure, fill in this form, please.


W: No, just your address and telephone number.

M: Ok, here is the form.

W: Very well._____________

M: Thank you.

W: Have a good stay!

a. What must I do first?

b. Need my student card number?

c. Can I pay by check?

d. Here is your key to room 212.

e. I'd like a room for a night.

f. I need your help.

四、 阅读下面一篇短文,根据文章内容选择下列三个问题的最佳答案,并将代表该答案的字母填在题前的括号内。(每小题1分,满分3分)

As you know ,the great American write Jack London was often in need of money

when he began to write his books. He worked very hard but it did not help him.

Once he promised a New York magazine to write a story for it, but he was busy at that time and could not keep his promise. The boss of the magazine wrote letters to Jack London several times to ask him to send the story. At last he went to Jack London's room and left him a note.

"Dear Jack London, if I don't get the story in twenty-four hours, I'll come to your room and kick you downstairs and I always keep my promise."

Jack London read the note and answered, "Dear Dick, if I could do my work with my feet like you, I could keep my promise, too."

( )1. Jack London was very _________when he began to write.

A. rich B. poor C. healthy

( )2. The phrase "keep my promise" means_________

A.遵守诺言 B.事实求是 C.出尔反尔

( )3. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Dick didn't meet Jack London when he came to the room.

B. Jack London wanted to do his work with his feet.

C. Jack London was asked to finish the story in twenty-four hours.

五.阅读下面一段材料,根据材料内容完成以下各题。 (每小题1分,满分7分


( )1. We can find this reading material in a ___________.

A. dictionary B. science book C. travel magazine

( )2. Tom and his friends arrived at the Castle at 2:00pm on Christmas.

How long could they enjoy themselves in the Castle at most?

A. There hours. B. Four hours. C. Five hours.

( )3. Which is true according to the passage?

A. You can surf the Internet if you want to get some more information.

B. The members of staff will not answer any of your questions.

C. It is clear that Warwick Castle is in the USA.

4、Put a tick( )under the picture if you can do that in the Catle;put a cross( )under the picture if you can't; put a circle( )under the picture if the passage doesn't tell us:


Section Three Development(满分10分)

1.Each of the four symbols stand for a different number. In order to reach the correct total at the of every row, what is the value of each symbol?


2.Make a correct phrase according to the first letters of the words.

1)30=D____ of A____2

2)4=S_____ in a Y____

e.g:60=M_____ in an H_______

Key:60=Minute in an Hour

( )3.In a bicycle race from school to the park and back, Jack goes at 30 miles per hour to the park and 10 miles per hour back to school. Billy goes at 20 miles per hour in both directions. Who will finish first?

A. Jack will finish first.

B. Billy will finish first.

C. They will finish at the same time.

( )4.Jane's birthday is in summer, but she was born in winter, because__________.

A. she was born in Australia and lives in China

B. she was born in China and lives in Canada

C. she is always moving to new places

5.Read the map, and answer the following questions.


( )1) Which is the capital

city of Spain?

A. Rome

B. Frankfurt

C. Madrid

( )2) Which country can't

you see in this map?

A. Germany

B. Denmark

C. Russia

( )3) This is the map of


A. France

B. Europe

C. Asia

( )4) Which of the follow

cities is Not in the


A. Liverpool

B. Leeds

C. Florence



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