

2010-10-12 14:48:49     标签:小升初经验

Turn over a New Leaf



Sandy (child):

Mr. Lin (Father):

Mrs. Lin (Mother):


Social worker:



May (Sandy’s friend):

Miss Lee (Teacher):


Scene I

(In Sandy’s home)

Father is reading newspaper in the living room.

Father:Sandy, I’m thirsty. Give me some drinks. Bring me bottle more!

Sandy:Dad, please don’t drink any more. It’s enough!

Father:If you don’t bring it to me, I will hit you!

Sandy:Yes, father!

(But when Sandy comes, she falls down. Break the bottle and spill on father. Father is very angry and began to hit Sandy.)

Sandy: Dad!Please don’t beat me …

Father: Hum!(Hold the bottle) Because you are so stupid and not a good child.

Mother:Honey… please stop. Our child is crying. She didn’t do anything wrong.

Sandy:Dad, please… stop hitting me.

Father:Shut up! Or I hit your mother, too.

(In the same time, the neighbor discovers this domestic violence.)

Neighbor:(Calls to 110) There is a father hitting his family now. Please help them

immediately… I’m afraid the child will be in danger. The address is…. Please, hurry up!

Policeman:Ok, I’ll be there soon.

Scene II

(In the police station)

Police:Why do you abuse your child? She was innocent. Don’t you regret to doing it?

Father:It’s none of your business.

Social worker:Mrs. Lin and Sandy, did Mr. Lin often abuse the child?

(First, Mrs. Lin doesn’t say anything, and then she is crying.)

Mother:Since he lost his job, he was drinking all the time. Sandy and I usually were

hit by him. And if I didn’t give him money, he sad he would kill us…

Father:Nonsense!I didn’t do that thing.

Social worker:Mrs. Lin, calm down. If he did it again, please call me. I’ll help you. And I’ll find sometime to talk to him.

Scene III

(In Sandy’s classroom)

Teacher:Sandy, follow me after class.

(Sandy and teacher go to office together.)

Teacher:You are often absent lately and your grades also are not as good as before. What happened to you?

Sandy:No, it’s nothing. Thanks for your concern.

Teacher:Are you sure? Anyway, if you have any problem, tell me, ok?

Sandy:Ok, Miss Lee.

(After the class, Sandy and May are on the home way.)

May:Sandy, I called you home yesterday. You wasn’t at home. Your mother told me that you have a part time job. It’s a surprise to me! What’s the matter with your family? You have to study hard during this year before you take the entrance examination. This year is very important to you. You can’t let other things distract your studies and deprive of your study time.

Sandy:(crying) I know. But I have no way anymore. My father lost his job, and we

have no money to pay all the spending.

May:Oh, Sandy, Don’t worry. I will help you.

(After the day, May decides to tell the teacher about Sandy’s problem.)

May:Miss Lee, I have to talk to you something about Sandy…

Teacher:May, you are Sandy’s good friend. Do you know what’s wrong with Sandy?

May:Eh…I heard that Sandy’s family has economic crisis, and Sandy has a part time job…

Teacher:Ok, I understand. I will talk to her parents.

Scene IV

(On the road in front of Sandy’s home)

Police:Hold it! Don’t move!

Father:No!(Still running in front of the policeman)

(The police got the father.)

(In the police station)

Policeman:Mr. Lin, You can’t go anywhere unless you promise you won’t sell those drugs. And you should stay in the jail for six months, because we found the evidence that you are a drug dealer.

Father:No! Please forgive me….I was not on purpose.

Mother:(Crying) Please give him a chance to turn over a new leaf. He has to make money for the family.

Father:You…shut up! Here is no need of your interjection!

Scene V

(In the social worker’s office)

Teacher:I’ve told you everything about Sandy….

Social worker:I see. Thanks for your help. I’ll manage it as soon as I can. ( Turn to talk to the mother) Mrs. Lin, I understand your feeling, but it’s her crucial time to study hard to enter a good senior high school. In another word, she can’t do part time job after class and without review her lessons.

Mother:I know what you want to tell me. But, in fact, her father and I haven’t found jobs…and her father is in jail now because of selling drug. (Crying) Oh! I can’t stand it anymore!

Social worker:Don’t worry it. I can introduce you some work I know. As long as you work hard, you’ll have a steady life with your daughter. Now, Sandy needs a secure and stable environment to grow up and study.

Mother:(Still crying) Thank you very much. If there is not your help, I don’t know how to do…

Scene VI

(After six months, outside the jail)

Warder:I really hope you won’t enter here again.

Father:I won’t. I’m very embarrassed that you are so concerned with me. I really appreciate it. I don’t know how to thank you. (He sees his wife and Sandy, smiling to him)

Warder:Don’t mention it, you just made a new start from now on.

Sandy:Dad, Mom and I come to pick you up.

Father:(Crying) Sandy, I’m very sorry about what I did. I thought a lot of things in the jail during that half a year. I shouldn’t ruin my own life and brought crisis to the family. (Look at his wife) Dear, I’m so sorry to you. I disappointed you very much, but you didn’t leave me, I owe you so much….

Mother:(Crying) Don’t say that… It’s never too late to mend. I’m glad that it’s all over…

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