

2017-05-15 15:14:57     标签:小升初英语题










2.双重所有格:名词+of +名称性物主代词. Ann is a friend of my mother's.


My father is older than yours.(yours 指的是your father)

我 我们 你 你们 他 她 它 他们

主格 I we you you he she it they

宾格 me us you you him her it them

形容词性物主代词 my our your your his her its their

名词性物主代词 mine ours yours yours his hers its theirs

反身代词 myself ourselves yourself yourselves himself herself itself themselves

(3)指示代词:指近处:this→these 指远处:that→those

(4)反身代词:在英语中用来表示“我自己,、“你自己”、“他自己”、“我们自己”、你们自己"等意义的代词称为反身代词。反身代词常用的固定短语有by myself, enjoy oneself, help oneself to,等

(5) 疑问代词:疑问代词是用来构成特殊疑问句的,疑问代词一般位于句子开头。常用的有who, whom, whose, which, what等.


1.Lucy______________________ 6.Mike's father and mother________________

2.Mr White__________________ 7.you and Sue _________________________

3.the man ___________________ 8. the desk __________________________

4.Mary and I________________ 9. Mrs Green __________________________

5. Ed and Jim ________________ 10. many sheep ________________________


1.That's Tom's book. Please give ________ to ________.

2.They're new students here. Would you please look after ______________?

3.His sister is a nurse in the hospital. Do you know________________?

4.This is a bedroom, there is a bed in ______.

5.______ is a tall and pretty girl.


1.Look, this is _____ new bike. I like it very much.

2.We have two new friends, ________ names are Sam and Tim.

3.You must look after ________ things.

4.Mary usually goes shopping with_______ parents.

5.Look at _____ school, it's big and beautiful. We love it very much.


1.Which story is better, _____( 你的 ) or __________( 他的 )?

2.Look! That is ____________( 我的 ) bike. Where is ________(你的 )?

3.__________( 我们的)house is larger than _____________.( 他们的 ).

4.I have a cat. ________( 它的 )name is Mimi.

5.These are ________( 她的)books, _______( 他的) are over there.

6._______is a boy. _____ name is David. (he)

7. ______ is a nice girl, _______ name is Jenny. (she)

8.Is ______ English name Francisco? (you)

9.What is ______ phone number? (he)

10.How do ____ spell ______ name? (you)

11. _______ sister is a teacher. (she)

V.用适当的指示代词(this, that, these, those)填空。

1. ______ pens are mine. Those are yours.

2. -What's ____ over there? - It's a car.

3.Look, _____ ruler is longer than that one.

4.-Hello! Who's _____ speaking? - Hello! _____ is Mary speaking.

5.Wang Lin, ______ is my brother Mike.

VI. 用适当的疑问词填空。

1. -________ are you doing? - I'm reading books.

2. -_________T-shirt is this? - It's Tom's.

3. __________ do you like better, this one or that one?

4. -_________is the man in the car? - He's my uncle.

5. -To ______ did you talk last night? - My classmate , Jim.


( )1. These are ______ oranges. Those are ______ oranges.

A. my, yours B. his, her C. ours, their

( )2. ______ are in the same class. _____ Chinese teacher is Miss Gao.

A. Their, Their B. We, Their C. They, their

( ). 3_____ is a good teacher. _____ all like _____.

A. He, They, her B. She, They, him C. She, We, her

( )4. Mr Green teaches_____ English. He likes________ very much.

A. us, them B. them, they C. me , me

( )5. _______are in the same school.

A. I, you and he B. you, he and I C. He, I and you

( )6 .I met Kate on way home yesterday .

A .my B .me C .his D .him

( )7 .Kate and her sister went on holiday with a classmate of .

A .her B .hers C .their D .theirs

( )8 .-Which of these two sweaters will you take ?

-I'll take .They look nearly the same ,and I just need one .

A .both B .either C .none D .all

( )9 .He has two basketballs .One is new , is old .

A .the other B .other C .the others D .others

( )10 .I have bought a new watch because my old doesn't work .

A .it B .one C .that D .this

( )11 .-Can you speak Russian ? -Yes ,but only .

A .little B .a little C .few D .a few

( )12 .-What would you like to have ,tea or milk ?-____I'd like to have a glass of water .

A .Each B .Neither C .Either D .Both

( )13 .My car was broken and I didn't know to do .

A .what B .which C .when D .how

( ) 14. There are many trees __of the road! And ____ of the trees is growing larger and larger.

A. on both side, a number B. on each sides, a number

C. on both sides, the number D. on every side, the number


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