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小升初英语阅读考核的是学生对于英语语言的词汇、语法等语言能力的综合考察,如何能轻松的跨过小升初英语阅读的这个关卡呢?除了增加词汇量,挑选具有代表性的精选文章作为六年级阅读理解的材料积累也是必要的。编辑为2017年面临小升初的同学准备了小升初六年级英语阅读理解的材料,供大家阅读,以最好的状态跨过英语阅读理解的关卡,下面就开始阅读:How many letters?
How many letters?
Father: How many letters are there in the English Alphabet?
Son: I don’t know.
Father: You don’t know? You are in the school for one year and you don’t know how many letters there are in the Alphabet?
Son: No. But let me ask you a question, Dad. You often go to the post office, please tell me how many letters there are in the post office?
1. There are twenty-six letters in the English Alphabet.
2. The son doesn’t study English well.
3. The son can’t answer his father’s question.
4. The father works in the post office.
5. There are twenty-six letters in the post office.