

2017-05-11 09:38:11     标签:小升初英语题




( )1. A mum B car C brother D colour

( )2. A sweater B men C great D centre

( )3. A metro B breakfast C messy D factory

( )4. A book B cook C look D noodle

( )5. A student B but C luck D bus


1.在一家购物中心__________________ 6. in a restaurant __________________

2. 一些公共标志_____________________7. plant more trees_________________

3. 弄脏 _____________________ 8. On the ground __________________

4. 交朋友 ___________________ 9.No eating or drinking__________________

5. 保持房间干净____________________ 10. Walk on __________________


1、am(过去式)____________ 2、fly(过去式)____________

3、read(过去式)____________ 4、see(过去式)____________

5、eat(过去式)____________ 6、can’t(完全形式)____________

7、did not(缩写形式)____________8、they(宾格)____________

9、child(复数)____________ 10、rainy(动词)____________


1. Smoke makes the air d_________.

2. To k_________the classroom c , we can sweep the floor.

3. These toys m_________the bedroom messy.

4. History M_________is very interesting.

5. I went to the shopping c_________with my mum last week.


( )1. -- What do the signs mean, Yang Ling? --______a small house.

A. It means B. It mean C. They mean

( )2. -- There’s a sign there. It means “ No______”.

--Yes, we can’t ______in the river.

A. swim; swim B. swimming; swimming C. swimming; swim

( )3. People call the metro “______” in the US.

A. subway B. underground C. metro

( )4.They watch TV_____7:00_____the evening.

A . on; on B. at; on C. at; in

( )5. It means “No parking”. You cannot ______.

A. litter here B. smoke here. C. park your car here

( )6. These signs______different things.

A. means B. mean C. meaning

( )7. The sign means the floor is ______. You should walk carefully.

A. dirty B. clean C. wet

( )8.Tom______go home last night.

A . doesn’t B. isn’t C. didn’t

( )9. Grandma is sleeping. We______shout.

A. should B. shouldn’t C. can

( )10. --What______you______? -- I’m watching TV.

A. did; do B. are; doing C. am; doing

( )11. We can ______to keep our school clean.

A. throw the rubbish B. walk to school C. sweep the floor

( )12. The book is on the ground. Please______.

A. pick them up B. pick up it C. pick it up

( )13. --What ______our city dirty?

--Smoke______the cars and the factories.

A. makes; from B. make; from C. takes; to

( )14.-- ______ makes the card for Helen? -- Mike does, I think.

A. What B. Where C. Who

( )15.-- How did you go to the park yesterday? -- I______a bus.

A. by B. take C. took

( )16.We can ________the flower now.

A.sweep B.sweeping C. are sweeping

( )17. There’s ____________ rubbish in the garden.

A. many B. lot of C.some

( )18. To keep the air clean, we can plant ____________ trees.

A. any B more C. much

( )19. Liu Tao ____________the metro to school yesterday.

A. took B take C. by

( )20. They went there ____________bus last Sunday.

A. By B took C. take


1. I visit my grandparents every week. ( 用 last week 替换 every week )

I_________ my grandparents last week.

2. We can plant trees to keep the air clean. ( 对划线部分提问 )

_________ can we_________ to keep the air clean?

3. I feel tired and hungry. ( 对划线部分提问 )

_________ do you_________?

4. They went into a big restaurant yesterday evening? ( 对划线部分提问 )

_________ _________ they_________ yesterday evening?

5. It is rainy today. ( 对划线部分提问 )

________ the weather like today?


There are some easy things you can do to protect(保护) the environment(环境).●Plant flowers, grass or trees.

●Whenever you visit a park or beach,take away what you bring there----keep rubbish in a bag until you can put it in a bin .

●Turn off the lights, TVs when you leave(离开) the room.

●Turn off the tap (水笼头) when you brush your teeth. You can save(节约) some water.

●Keep the doors and windows closed in winter to keep warm.

●Give your old books and magazines to a library.

●Give your old clothes to poor children.

●Don’t pour (倒) dirty water into the rivers or the lakes nearby (附近).

If everyone makes a contribution (贡献) to protecting the environment, the world will become much more beautiful.

( )1. The article(文章) is ____________.

A. a sign B. a story C. a proposal (提议)

( )2 The writer tells us _____________.

A. to throw rubbish into a bin B. to pour dirty water into the river

C. to save water by turning off TVs

( )3. We can ___________to save paper.

A. use a glass cup B. turn off the lights C. Keep the windows closed

( )4. Which is WRONG ?

A. Turn off the lights when you leave the room.

B. Close the doors in winter.

C. Pour dirty water into the lake.

( )5. The main idea(主要意思) of this article is how to _________.

A. save money B. save water C. protect the environment


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