

2017-05-11 09:34:52     标签:小升初英语题


第二部分 语言知识(55分)


A. water the plants B. make the bed

C. feed the fish D. cut the grass

E. polish my shoes

( ) ( )

七、找出每组词中不同类的, 把序号写在括号中。(10分)

1. ( ) A. basketball B. football C. runners

2. ( ) A. open B. name C. walk

3. ( ) A. fish B. chicken C. banana

4. ( ) A. cake B. ice cream C. kite

5. ( ) A. flower B. brother C. sister

6. ( ) A. summer B. cloudy C. winter

7. ( ) A .nurse B. why C. worker

8. ( ) A. vegetable B. fruit C. yellow

9. ( ) A. coat B. school C. shirt

10. ( ) A. bird B. hot C. cold


1. You must ___________ more than ten years old.

A. be B. are

2. You must ___________ a good mountain bike.

A. had B. have

3. It isn’t going to hurt , _____________ it ?

A. is B. isn’

4. Mike’s friends _______ him to the hospital yesterday.

A. take B. took

5. He will come back early , ____________ he ?

A. will B. won’t

6. --I don’t think people should leave trash in the forest.

-- ________________.

A. Me too. B. Neither do I.

7. March 8th is the _________________.

A. Teachers’ Day B. Women’s Day

8. This milk isn’t very cold, __________________?

A. is it B. isn’t it

9. Is the kite broken? -I don’t think ___________.

A. so B. it

10. You saw that movie, __________________?

A. didn’t you B. don’t you


A 栏: ( ) 1. What price is it?

( ) 2. What’s wrong with you?

( ) 3. Where are you going?

( ) 4. How many do you want?

( ) 5. What’s your telephone number?

( ) 6. What day is it today?

( ) 7. What’s the weather like today?

( ) 8. What did you do yesterday evening?

( ) 9. When do you usually get up?

( ) 10. How often do you study English?

B栏: A. It’s 60691447.

B. Seven, please.

C. I’m going to the park.

D. My arm hurts.

E. It’s twenty yuan.

F. Twice a week.

G. I usually get up at six o’clock.

H. I watched TV.

I. It’s windy and cold.

J. It’s Saturday.

十、情景选择, 把序号写在括号中。(10分)

( ) 1. 当你想告诉医生你腿受伤了时,你会说:

A. My leg hurts .

B. My leg is broken .

( ) 2. 当医生让你吃一片药时,会说:

A. You take this candy .

B. You have to take this medicine .

( ) 3 .别人在电影院里吸烟时,你说:

A. No smoking in the cinema .

B. Don’t cry in the cinema .

( ) 4. 当你想告诉同学要按时上学时,你说:

A. You must get up early .

B. You should go to school on time.

( ) 5. 别人在教室里乱跑时,你说:

A. You must keep quiet in the classroom.

B. You mustn’t run in the classroom


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