

2017-05-10 14:05:10     标签:小升初英语题



isam_______ are________ does_______

drink_______ play_____ go________

make________ dance______ worry_______

ask_________ say_______ taste_______

eat__________ draw_________ put _________

throw_______ do_______ get______

have/has_______ see_________ feel_______


1. He ____________ (was / were) free last week.

2. The men _____________ (was / were) busy yesterday.

3. It ___________ (was / were) crowded in the park last Sunday.

4. They ___________ (was / were) at the museum this morning.

5. My friends _____________ (was / were) happy in this summer holiday.

6. It ___________ (was / were) so hot yesterday evening.




1.匆忙__________________________ 2.如此匆忙__________________________

3.你什么意思_________________________ 4.像……一样 __________________________


7.休息一下__________________________ 8.慢而稳__________________________



Model: look-----looks---looked

1. try----- __________ ------ __________ 2. win----_________----- __________

3. take----- __________ ------ __________ 4. am----_________----- __________

5. have ----- __________ ------ __________ 6.do----_________----- __________

7. bring---- __________ ------ __________ 8.carry----_________----- __________

9. cut----- __________ ------ __________ 10. make----_________----- __________


1. Don’t be p_________. Work harder.

2. Mum: David, why are you i_____ s_____a h_________?

Mike: I’m late. Sam is waiting for me.

3. I’m s _______Mike will l _________ the race.

4. The man l________ l ______ a monkey.

5. The farmer is h________a r________.


( )The hare ran very fast at first.

( )So the hare took a rest under a big tree.

( )One day, a hare and a tortoise had a race.

( )The tortoise was slow.

( )The hare was sure he would win the race.

( )The tortoise saw the hare sleeping. He did not stop. He ran and ran, slowly but steadily.

( )In the end, the slow tortoise won the race!



( ) 1. A. easy B. carry C. silly D. patient

( ) 2. A. tortoise B. hare C. here D. monkey

( ) 3. A. sat B. brought C. sad D. went

( ) 4. A. die B. carry C. appear D. slow

( ) 5. A. carry B. take C. proud D. crash


hurry fast silly slow crashed working steady

cooked hard delicious

1. A hare ran very_________and _________ into a tree.

2. _________ in the field every day is _________work.

3. Why are you in such a_______? You are like that _________hare.

4. ________and ______ wins the race.

5. The farmer ________the hare and had a________ meal.


1. -----What are you doing? ----I’m trying to ________ the bike.

A. riding B. ride C. rides

2. A: Don’t be________. Don’t race the hare. He’s very fast. You are slow. You can’t win the race.

B: I’m slow but I’m steady. The hare is fast but he’s proud. I can win the race.

A. proud B. careless C. silly

3. Don’t ________ eat too fast.

A. be B. is C. 不填

4. The old man was very tired ________ he sat down and took a rest.

A. so B. but C. because

5. If you want to win the game, you should be ________.

A. careless B. care C. careful



1. I’m going to see the doctor yesterday.

2. Jiamin like quiet cities very much.

3. My mother was sure I will be late for school.

4. Ianet will bought me a birthday cake tomorrow.

5. Ben and Janet feed the cows on the farm now.

6. I gets lots of lucky money every year.


1. ( ) The boy ____ bored and went to play with his friends.

A. fell B. felt C. feels

2. ( ) Jiamin tried to____ all the books.

A. carry B. carries C. carried

3. ( ) The tiger said, “Hey, little monkey. Don’t move. I will ____ up.

A. eat B. eating C. ate

4. ( ) All of us want ____ everything well.

A. doing B. to doing C. to do

5. ( ) You ____ careful and patient.

A. should B. should be C. should to be

6. ( ) One day a farmer____ in the field.

A. was worked B. was working C. is working

7. ( ) Janet ____ happy when she saw her mother.

A. was B. is C. didn’t

8. ( ) ____ at school every day is hard work.

A. Study B. Studying C. Studies

9. ( ) He picked up the pen and it to the teacher.

A. take B. taking C. took

10. ( ) Don’t____ that silly boy. Don’t tell lies(撒谎).

A. is like B. was like C. be like


1. Look! Jiamin______ _________ (carry) all the books to the classroom.

2. I’m sure we ________ _________ (win) the race tomorrow.

3. I________ (like) sports. He often _________ (play) sports after school.

4. Ben_________ (like) sports. He often_________ (play) sports after school.

5. Yesterday we_________ (sit) in the room and _________ (wait) for Ben to come.

6. A: What _________ you ________ (do) last night?

B: I watched TV.


Long ago, there was a king. He had a lot of money. But he was very greedy(贪婪). “ I hope I can have lots of gold(金子). The more, the better.” He told his wife.

One day, he got a hen. The hen laid(产) one gold egg every day. The king became richer and richer. He was very happy. But he thought one gold egg a day was not enough(足够的). He wanted to have more. He killed the hen because he wanted to get all the gold eggs. But he couldn't find any gold eggs in the hen. He was sad.

1. ( ) The king had lots of____.

A. sons B. money C. hens

2. ( ) The Chinese meaning for “ the more, the better“is____.

A. 越来越多 B.越来越好 C. 越多越好

3. ( ) The hen laid one ____ egg every day.

A. gold B. big C. white

4. ( ) ----Did the king kill the hen?

---- ____.

A. Not given B. No, he didn’t C. Yes, he did

5. ( ) -----Did the king get any gold eggs in the hen at last?

----- ____.

A. Yes, he did B. No, he didn’t C. Not given


It was a cold day in winter. A farmer (1) a snake on the ground. It was nearly dead(死的).

The farmer was a kind man. He (2) the snake to his home and put it near the fire. Soon the snake began (3) . The snake said to the farmer, “It is kind of you, Mr. farmer, but I am hungry now. I want to bite(咬) you. (4) you please help me?”

The farmer got angry. He said, “I saved your life, but you want to bite me. You must

(5) and the sooner the better.” Then he killed the snake (6) a stick.

( ) 1. A. found B. find C. finds

( ) 2. A. brings B. bring C. brought

( ) 3. A. move B. moved C. to move

( ) 4. A. Do B. Would C. Are

( ) 5. A. die B. died C. to die

( ) 6. A. to B. with C. for


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