2017年小升初英语课外阅读:The wolf and the fox_小升初-查字典小升初

2017年小升初英语课外阅读:The wolf and the fox

2017-04-29 14:49:09     标签:小升初英语天天练


A long time ago, a wolf and a fox lived together. However, because the wolf was stronger, the fox always did as the wolf commanded. The fox always wished to be free of the wolf.

Then one day, the wolf went to the farmhouse to eat some pancakes. The next day, the wolf wanted to eat the pancakes again. So, he once again went alone.

When the farmer heard the rustling sound, the farmer came and began hitting the wolf. The wolf came back limping and started venting out his angry to the fox. It’s all because of you. Because of you my leg is broken. The fox wanted to say otherwise but, kept to himself.

The next day the fox and the wolf went to the farmhouse. They ate beef at the butcher shop. The wolf ate greedily but the fox ate little by little, walking back and forth by an escape hole. With a rustling sound the owner came back. Just then the fox quickly escaped through the hole.

But unfortunately, the wolf ate so much that he became too fat to fit through the hole. Fox, help me please. However, the fox did not help and ran away alone into the forest. Eventually, the wolf died from getting hit by the farmer. When the fox found out that the bad wolf was gone, he gloated and went into the forest.

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