

2017-04-29 14:44:13     标签:小升初英语天天练



Christmas is for giving and sharing, for getting together with family and friends. But mostly it’s for love. I had not believed this until a student, who was called Mark, gave me a wonderful gift one Christmas.

Mark was an 11-year-old orphan (孤儿) who lived with his aunt, a middle aged woman greatly annoyed (使烦恼) with the burden (负担) of ( 1 )for her dead sister’s son.

I had not ( 2 )Mark especially until he began staying after class each day to help me tidy up the room, We did this quietly, not speaking much, but enjoying the time of the day. When we did talk, Mark spoke mostly of his ( 3 ), who had always spent much time with him before she passed away. ( 4 )Christmas came near, however, Mark failed to stay after school each day. I ( 5 )him one afternoon and asked why he no longer helped me in the room. I was making you a ( 6 ),he said confidently (有信心地) in a low voice. It’s for Christmas.With that, he left the room in a hurry. He didn’t stay after school any more after that. Finally ( 7 )the last school day before Christmas. Mark walked slowly into the room late that afternoon. I have a present,he said, I hope you like it. He held out his hand, and in it was a tiny wooden box. It’s beautiful, Mark, What’s in it ? I asked, opening the top to look ( 8 ). Oh, you can’t see it, he replied, and you can’t touch it, or taste it or feel it, but mother always said it makes you feel good all the time, warm on cold nights, and safe when you’re ( 9 ).

I looked into the ( 10 )box. What is it, Mark, I asked, that will make me feel so good? It’s( 11 ), he said softly, and mother always said it’s best when you give it away. And he turned and quietly left the room.

So now I ( 12 )the small box on the piano in my living room. Yes, Christmas is for joy, songs and nice gifts, but mostly, for love.

) 1. A. asking B. waiting C. caring D. looking

) 2. A. seen B. known C. found D. noticed

) 3. A. mother B. teacher C. aunt D. friend

) 4. A. If B. As C. Because D. Though

) 5. A. caught B. called C. took D. stopped

) 6. A. secret B. wish C. surprise D. wonder

) 7. A. went B. returned C. came D. passed

) 8. A. up B. inside C. down D. round

) 9. A. alone B. tired C. sad D. ill

) 10. A. tiny B. empty C. strange D. beautiful

) 11. A. love B. time C. life D. hope

) 12. A. leave B. place C. put D. keep


no excited waste-money send

high get win the prize phone this number

When Ann was watching cartoons on television, she saw an advertisement for a competition. The advertisement said, Answer this question and you can win $50000. Just ( 1 )if you know the answer.The question was easy, so Ann knew the answer. She was Very ( 2 )and hoped that she was going to win a lot of money. She asked her mother if she could use the phone and try to ( 3 ).

Mrs King said, Don’t ( 4 ). Look at the advertisement again. In small print down the bottom, it says that each call will cost you $10. That’s how the advertisers ( 5 )money from thousands of people. If you’re lucky, they may( 6 )you a voucher(优惠券) to take $50 off the price of a holiday in South Africa--but we don’t want to go there, and the price will be very ( 7 )anyway. Take( 8 )notice of that type of advertisement.



) 1. A. Asking问 B. Waiting等 C. Caring照顾 D. Looking看

) 2. A. Seen看 B. Known知道 C. found发现 D. Noticed注意到

) 3. A. Mother妈 B. Teacher老师 C. aunt阿姨 D. Friend朋友

) 4. A. If如果 B. As随着 C. Because因为 D. Though虽然

) 5. A. Caught抓住 B. called打电话 C. Took带走 D. Stopped停止

) 6. A. secret秘密 B. Wish祝愿 C. Surprise惊讶 D. Wonder想知道

) 7. A. Went走 B. Returned返还 C. Came来 D. Passed通过

) 8. A. Up上 B. inside在里面 C. down在下面 D. Round环绕

) 9. A. Alone独自 B. Tired劳累 C. sad悲伤 D. Ill得病

) 10. A. tiny清洗 B. empty空 C. strange奇怪 D. Beautiful美

) 11. A. Love爱 B. Time时间 C. life生命 D. Hope希望

) 12. A. Leave离开 B. place地方 C. put放 D. Keep保持


2按照逻辑思维,知道小MARK 做了很多事情后,我才注意到他





7此举为倒装句,意思是放假前的最后一天终于来了。正常语序是:he last school day before Christmas came finally。


9我们比较分析,当你XXX的时候,你会感到安全,对比各个选项,A最佳答案,独自一人的时候 ,容易害怕。






1. phone this number 打这个电话,后文提到了孩子要妈妈的电话

2. Excited她知道了答案,觉得自己能得奖,所以很兴奋

3. win the prize打电话,去赢奖

4. waste money 妈妈不让,说是浪费金钱

5. get 这就是广告如何赚钱的get money赚钱

6. send 发优惠卷

7. high 价格会很高

8. No take notice 注意到,take no notice 不要在意

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