青岛小升初 初小衔接英语语法汇总_小升初-查字典小升初

青岛小升初 初小衔接英语语法汇总

2012-08-20 11:32:35     标签:小升初教育新闻

小学《新标准英语》教材中涉及的重要语法知识主要有8种:to be句型、there be句型、一般现在时句型、现在进行时句型、一般过去时句型、情态动词can/could/should引导的句型、一般将来时will/be going to句型、祈使句等,其中多种语法现象广泛出现在各册教材中,现以五、六年级教材为例将重点句型归类介绍如下:

l to be句型:主要用于介绍个人情况如姓名、健康状况、身份、家庭成员、朋


1. This one is heavy.

2. It’s an autumn festival. It’s really fun.

3. It isn’t hers. It isn’t his.

4. Whose T-shirt is it? It’s mine.

5. Are you sad? No, I’m not.

6. What’s the matter? Nothing.

7. I’m sorry.

8. This black bag is nice. It’s big.

9. It’s very heavy. Look at this green one. It’s light.

10. How long is the Great Wall?

11. It’s ten thousand li long.

12. How old is the Great Wall?

13. It’s more than two thousand years old.

14. Thanksgiving is my favourite.

15. Families are together.

16. They’re deaf.

17. This water is very clean.

18. It’s fun to drink this way.

19. How much is it? It’s thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents.

20. What’s the matter?

21. I’m really excited.

l there be句型:包括现在与过去两种,即:there is/are, there was/were。用于

表达某处有某物的客观存在关系。该句型主要分布在Book5,Book9, Book11和Book12中,教材中以陈述句与how many引导的特殊疑问句问答为主。五、六年级教材中该类重点句有:

1. There weren’t any swings here before.

2. There was only a slide.

3. There wasn’t a pond here before.

4. There is one now.

5. There are many sweets.

6. There are many fruits, too.

7. There is a Chinatown in New York.

8. There was a big lake and there were lots of ducks.

l 一般现在时句型:这是《新标准英语》中出现频率最高的一类句型,广泛分


1. They go to people’s houses. They scare the people.

2. He only wants to play.

3. In England, they sit around tables.

4. We sit in lines in China.

5. They sing songs together every morning.

6. We do morning exercises.

7. We have a big, special dinner.

8. Do pandas love bamboo?

9. They eat for twelve hours a day.

10. Do snakes love music? No, they don’t.

11. Do you often tidy your room? No, I don’t.

12. I often read stories to my little brother.

13. Do you want to visit the UN building? Yes, please.

14. The UN wants to make peace in the world.

15. What do you want? I want a hot dog, please.

l 现在进行时句型:该句型主要分布在Book4,5,8, 11, 12中。包括what, why


1. What are you doing?

2. I’m putting my new stamps into my album.

3. All the balloons are flying away.

4. The oranges are falling.

5. Daming is having a birthday party.

6. He is playing the trumpet, but then the telephone rings.

7. Why are you laughing?

8. Why are you wearing cups on your heads?

l 一般过去时句型:该句型分为两类,一类是用be动词过去式was, were

作谓语的,主要出现在Book6中,另一类是用行为动词过去式作谓语的,包括肯定句、疑问句、否定句等各种形式。主要出现在Book7,Book8,Book10两类句型的综合应用是在Book9,Book10, Book11,Book12中。B9~12册中“四会”句型如下:

1. My grandma was a driver before.

1. What did she drive? She drove a bus.

2. My grandpa was a flute player before.

3. What music did he play? He played Chinese music.

4. What did she have for breakfast? She had eggs and sausages.

5. And what did she have for dinner? She had fish and chips.

6. I sent you a Maths game. Did you get it? Yes, Grandma.

7. And I sent you English books. Did you read them? Yes, Grandma. I read them.

8. The men wore women’s clothes.

9. The actors told lots of jokes.

10. We laughed a lot.

11. ---- What did you put in your bag?

---- My clothes, my shoes, a present, my ticket, my passport and my toothbrush.

12. We ate in a Chinese restaurant.

13. We saw Chinese dancing.

14. I had a very funny day.

15. I took some photos.

16. I bought a book for you. Thank you.

17. Who gave it to you? Your mum gave it to me.

18. In October, ShenzhouⅤ flew into space.

19. He wanted to go into space. Then his dream came true.

20. He spent about 21 hours in space.

21. She was blind.

22. She was deaf.

l 情态动词can/could/should引导的句型:该句型主要出现在Book9


1. Can you run fast? No, I can’t.

2. You can jump high. You can play basketball well.

3. This dog can help him.

4. Can Fifi help the blind people? No, he can’t.

5. You shouldn’t play with the CDs!

6. You should tidy your toys.

7. Can you tell me about American festivals? Yes.

8. She can speak some English.

9. Can I write to her? Yes. You can write to her in English.

10. Who can help me? Sorry, I can’t.

11. So she couldn’t see. So she couldn’t hear.

12. But she could learn.

l 一般将来时:教材中出现两种表示将来时的句型,即:will和be going to

句型,主要出现在Book6(M2~5, M9),Book5(M9~10),Book8(M6, M10),Book9(M4)。如:

1. What are we going to do? We’re going to have lunch together.

2. Are you going to have a birthday cake? Yes, I am.

3. What will we see there? We’ll see lots of very big stones.

4. How will we get there? By car. It will take three hours.

5. I think I’ll make a Chinese kite!

6. Will you help me? Of course, I will.

7. And where will you go tomorrow?

8. I’ll go to the airport.

9. When are we going to eat?

10. We’re going to eat at half past twelve.

11. Look. It’s going to rain soon.

12. I will help you.

13. Are you going to go to middle school this September?

14. I will miss you. I will miss you too.

l 祈使句:用以表达请求、要求或命令某人做某事。句型特点是动词用原


1. Click on “Email”.

2. Now click on “Write”.

3. Write your message.

4. Only drink clean water!

l 此外,一种简单的完成时have/has got句型在《新标准英语》中也出现

较多,如:Book5, Book7, Book10,Book11等,包括陈述句(肯定、否定)、疑问句及其回答。如:

1. Have you got the Harry Potter videos?

2. Sorry, we haven’t got the videos. But we have got the books.

3. You’ve got lots of Harry Potter books here! Yes, we have.

4. Have you got any stamps from China? No, I haven’t.

5. I’ve got some Chinese chopsticks.

6. My brother has got a Chinese kite.

7. Have you got a book about America?

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