

2011-07-01 14:07:04     标签:小升初练习题


1.miss ( 三单 )_______2. shine(现在分词)_______

3.swim(现在分词) _______4.SAT( 全写 )_________

5.write(现在分词) __ _6. have (过去式)_______

7.photo( 复数 )______8.come( 现在分词)_______

9.wear ( 过去式 )____10.day ( 反义词 )_______


1有趣的一天 2.sing in the tree

3.踢足球 4.have a picnic

5.上山 6.look out of the window

7.半夜 8.look for

9.在图书馆 10.spoil my fun

三. 根据句意及首字母提示完成句子:(6')

1.What’s the weather like today?It's w__.Let's w__TV at home .

2.In this photo the sun is s____.The birds are s___in the trees .

3.Look! The ducks are e_______ our picnic.Our picnic is wet . But the ducks l_______ it .

4.Daming often g_____to school by bike . But he w____to school on foot yesterday .

5.It's going to s______ tomorrow . We'll make a snowman .

6.We are l______ at some ducks.


( )1.They are play with dogs .___________

( )2. Xiaoyong like reading books .__________

( )3. They drinking water now ._______

( )4. We are haveing dinner.

( )5. Do you have some pictures?________

五. 选择(10')

( )1.I _____ to school by bus this morning .

A.walked B.went C.come D.came

( )2.Where is the bird ? It's _______ the tree.

A.inside B.in C.on D.outside

( )3.My father is tall , but your father is ______ him .

A.all B.taller C.taller than D.tall than

( )4.Mary ______ a Chinese book.

A.is B.has C.have D.does

( )5.Ben: I want to buy a new football.

Mum: _______ go to the City Centre .

Ben: How ________ get there ?

A.We, are we going to B.Let's , do we want to

C.you , do we want to D.Let's , are we going to

( )6. Sam's grandma and grandpa are old . Look ! They ________ slowly .

A.walk B.walked C.walking D.are walking

( )7.This is Mr Wang's room . __________ room is clean .

A.His B.He C.Himself D.Her

( )8. Sam and Daming ______ a funny day last Saturday .

A.have B.has C.had D.were

( )9. Here ________ the photos .

A.is B.are C.have D.has

( )10.Look ! The ducks are ________.

A.swiming B.eattingC.hungrily D.hungry


The sun , the earth , and the moon

The sun is a fixed star . It is very , very hot and it gives out heat and light .Nine planets(行星) move around it . The earth is one of them . As far as we know , the earth is the only planet with life on it . The earth has air and water , and it gets heat and light from the sun .Life needs airs ,water ,heat and light .

The earth moves arounds itself , too. It turns from west to east .The earth has a satellite(恒星) , the moon . The moon moves around the earth . There is no air or water on the moon , so there is life there .

判断正误,正确写T,错误写F( 5' )

( )1.The sun gives out heat and light . The earth gives out heat and light ,too.

( )2. The earth and the moon move around the sun .

( )3. The earth turns from east to west .

( )4. There is air and water on the moon.

( )5.The sun sometimes hot and sometimes cold.

根据短文内容选择正确答案( 4')

( )1.The earth is a ______.

A: satellite B: a fixed star C:planet

( )2._____ is the only planet with life on it .

A: The moon, B: The earth C: The sun

( )3.The earth gets heat and light from _______.

A. the moon B.the sun C.the other planet

( )4.The earth has a satellite .It's __________.

A.the moon , the sun , B.the sun , C.a fixed star.


1.Look, we ________(have ) an English class .

2.There ______( be)a baseball game in our school next Saturday .

3.A long time ago ,there ______(be)an old man who was very patient .

4.Lingling _________ (study )English every morning .

5.Sam __________(not clean )his room.

八. 书面表达:给你的朋友写一封信,介绍一下你星期天去公园野餐的情况,不少于50个单词。(5')

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